Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How Great is Our God

Here's a video showed in our chapel today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

... wow. i watched the 1st video so far. i swear- i have seen it before... where? idk. but isnt it amazing? isnt i amazing to think how GREAT, is BIG, how MIGHTY and POWERFUL God is...? isn't it crazy to think that we are somewhere on that golf ball..? and people talk about "what a small world.." ahahaha. man they sure are crazy. and God sure is amazing.... alright. next movie, here i come!

a billion seconds ago.. 1975! WOW.
"... though we are but a vapor, you and me, tiny and frail. We are marked by Majesty. And we have been created in the very image of God who breaths out the stars and puts the universe into place. You and I are fashioned and formed and ordained by the God of all creation. WE ARE FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE, you and I." i love that.. love it love it love it. you know, im on part 3- and its amazing how well he explains how value. i feel soo valueable. ad not only do i- but i value God more... its amazing. to see how it would take 96 years to read everything about me.. and the whole process it took for 2 cells to make one... its amazing.75 trillion cells daniel.. im just in awe of such an amazing Father who has created something soo complex... i am a miracle.

and laminin..? wow. God is EVERYWHERE daniel. seriously... everywhere. He hold us together. Not only our bodies but our hearts... awww it's amazing.
"all things holds together.."

How do I know that God will hold me together and bring me through...? I KNOW because the star breather became the sin bearer... where the universe maker became man kinds savior. HE HAS A PURPOSE IN EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE... he may not change the situation.. but HIS puropse and plan will triumh over any circumstance in the world. :)

WOW, my favorite part by far was 4. i am just so awe struck. and like he said, people look for the highest mountains, the most beauitful waters and they pass right by themselves.

He created you... in such a beautiful, detailed, amazing way- and i value you and God in my life. i love you meo. and thank you God for creating us in such a detailed way that there is no other explanation BUT you! we love you. :)